“Describe your ultimate sandwich” is a pretty vague title, and that photo, while delicious, is not the sandwich I will be describing. So let me explain. This past fall, I was in a bookstore and picked up a book called 300 Writing Prompts. I had been looking for inspiration to get back into cooking and writing and decided that this had to be it. Every once in a while I open it up to a random page and write. Sometimes, I don’t like the prompt at the time and I turn the page until I find one I am in the mood for.
This week, I have been struggling to write a post that isn’t a recipe. I started a few but wasn’t really happy with the direction they were going. I hit save to work on them another time and put my thinking cap on (asked Instagram). Thankfully, I was sent some good ideas that I will definitely use in the future. But we are here today because I flipped open that book hoping for a sign, and I certainly got one. The prompt today said “Describe your ultimate sandwich”. This is a food blog. Perfect.
The point of this book is not to spend days, weeks, months writing and editing and rewriting. It is to get your mind going in the moment. To get you to write down the first things that come to mind. Some prompts offer a full page to write; others, only half. My goal is to always fill whatever space I am given. And so, without further boring type from me, I give you my ultimate (half page) sandwich as of 8:33 PM on Friday, February 21, 2020.
“Describe Your Ultimate Sandwich”
Fresh sourdough. Crunchy outside, soft inside. Mayo. Squeezed from a bottle, not spread out by a knife. Classic. Yellow. American. Mustard. Shaved mortadella. At least an inch thick. Crisp iceberg lettuce. More than the average person would ever use (iceberg lettuce is so underrated). Juicy tomato slices. Seasoned like mad with salt and pepper. Can’t decide if I want roasted red pepper. No, not today. Just me and my morty sandwich and a lap full of crumbs from that crunchy ass crust. No pickles. I’ll explain why another day.
(Side note: I just realized I forgot the provolone and I’m actually mortified. How could I possibly have an ultimate sandwich without cheese, provolone, no less!)
That’s all, folks
Well, there you have it. I sort of wish that I had this epiphany earlier in the week so that I could have built this beauty and shot photos. But alas, it’s Friday night and this will be published Saturday morning. No time (or natural light) left. So, another time. Until then, I am sure I will think of a million sandwiches that I wish I wrote about instead or descriptive words I wish I used.
I’ll leave you with this. Mortadella reminds me of the Italian deli’s in my hometown of Thunder Bay. It reminds me of one of my best friends, Laura T and how we used to eat mortadella on buns almost every day for lunch in high school. It reminds me of soccer road trips to Minneapolis. The round fat bits remind me of that weird bologna I will never try with the macaroni in it. Mortadella reminds me, more recently, of Italy. A place I have roots and a place I absolutely did not want to leave three years ago when travelling.
What’s your ultimate sandwich and where does it take you?
Rye bread, Montreal smoked meat, Dijon mustard, Harvati, and pickles grilled to melty perfection.
mmmmmm are we talking marble rye or classic Winnipeg rye? I’m digging the Havarti choice! Hope you eat one of these this weekend!!!!
Garden tomato, mayo, old cheddar optional. Lots of salt and pepper. Homemade white bread.
Tastes like the best part of summer! Mom and my favourite.
Salt and pepper for the winnnnn!! This sounds as fresh as it gets!
Ella’s tomato sandwich in summer is near the top. But at this moment a muffuletta sandwich. The olives and the cheese and the hot capocollo.. Delicious.
What bread are you eating this on!!!???? I hope a crusty bun.
Simple. Fresh baguette, brie and maybe some salami. Takes me back to Paris at a little outdoor cafe with an expresso watching the world go by..
I feel like I’m back in Paris now, too! Mmmm the freshest brie!
BLT + fried egg and cheddar. On lightly toasted rye. Bacon cooked, but not crispy. Soft egg yoky, not runny. Lots of mayo and salt and pepper. Shredded iceberg.
Yesssss!! I LOVE a jammy egg in a sandwich. This sounds like a perfect Sunday morning.